Energy Efficiency

Low & Zero Carbon (LZC)

Providing  feasibility studies to identify opportunties for installing LZC technologies including solar  photo voltaic, LED lighting upgrade and Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP).

Energy Efficiency

Providing Energy Efficiency Audits and identifying opportunties for money, energy and carbon savings for domestic and non domestic properties including public buildings. The savings that can be made through implementing energy saving measures vary but typically reach 20-30%. We also support to identify external funding to  implement energy efficiency projects in public buildings.

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards(MEES)

From April 2018, a new legal standard for minimum energy efficiency will apply to rented commercial buildings. The minimum energy efficiency standard (MEES) was introduced in March 2015 by the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015. From 1 April 2018, landlords of buildings within the scope of the MEES Regulations must not renew existing tenancies or grant new tenancies if the building has less than the minimum energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of E unless the landlord registers an exemption.After 1 April 2023, landlords must not continue to let any buildings which have an EPC rating of less than E unless the landlord registers an exemption.

The built environment has been identified by government as a major contributor to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and thus poses a threat to the UK meeting its carbon reduction targets for 2020 and 2050. Government estimates that 18% of commercial properties hold the lowest EPC ratings of F or G. While Building Regulations ensure that new properties meet current energy efficiency standards, MEES will tackle the UK's older buildings.

Working out if a building and tenancy are caught within the scope of MEES is not always straightforward. MEES does not apply to:

  • buildings which are not required to have an EPC: such as industrial sites, workshops, non-residential agricultural buildings with a low energy demand, certain listed buildings, temporary properties and holidays lets
  • buildings where the EPC is over 10 years old or where there is no EPC
  • tenancies of less than 6 months (with no right of renewal)
  • tenancies of over 99 years.

Determining whether a building and tenancy are within scope requires owners to look at two sets of regulations: Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) 2012 and the MEES Regulations. The interplay of the regulations is complex and creates some potential loopholes.

Landlords can let a building to which the MEES Regulations apply but which is below the minimum standard if any of the exemptions apply. These are:

  • The ‘Golden Rule’: where an independent assessor determines that all relevant energy efficiency improvements have been made to the property or that improvements that could be made but have not been made would not pay for themselves through energy savings within seven years. There are numerous examples of "relevant" energy efficiency improvements which include double-glazing and pipework insulation which need to be considered; wall-insulation measures are not required where an expert determines that these would damage the fabric of the property.
  • Devaluation: where an independent surveyor determines that the relevant energy efficiency improvements that could be made to the property are likely to reduce the market value of the property by more than 5%.
  • Third Party Consent: where consent from persons such as a tenant, a superior landlord or planning authorities has been refused or has been given with conditions with which the landlord cannot reasonably comply.

Display Energy Certificate (DEC) Assessment

From 9th July 2015 any public buildings over 250m2 is required to have a valid Display Energy Certificate (DEC) clearly visible to the public. The DEC rating shows how efficiently energy has been used in the building. Implementation of energy audit recommendations should improve DEC rating. From July 2015 , any public buildings with more than 250m2 will require a valid DEC and an Advisory Report.

Employee Engagement & Staff Awareness

Support Schools and Organisations to  implement an Energy Policy and raise staff awareness to save money, energy and carbon, by encouraging staff and pupils not to waste energy. We also offer sustainability sessions to KS1 and KS2 pupils and make them aware of the Climate Change.



Phone: 020 8144 7946
